In the wake of Hamas’ terrorist attacks on Israel, many colleges and universities seem to have suddenly rediscovered the value of free speech and academic freedom.
You'd have to be a real sucker to think that American academia is going to change because of this momentary embarrassment and regain any sort of integrity or commitment to anything but maintaining its own power and pushing its own agenda.
The DEIocracy is founded on the pain and rage of its designated pet victim groups (black people first, then Trans/gays, then various other brown people), which pain/rage it foments, weaponizes, monetizes and has now molded to create a sacred belief system.
Does anyone really think that the next time a cop kills a black person (esp if it's near a crucial election) or the next wave of "Trans genocide" crests, and the shrieking infants on campus perform a victim ritual demanding their babysitters in the administration share their rage and mimic their thoughts—or else be denounced—that the colleges will respond with speeches about the Kalven priniciples?
The reason the DEIocracy couldn't bring themselves to condemn Hamas is because in the ideological madrassas of American academia, Jews code as "white oppressors" and Hamas codes as "brown oppressed". Their entire worldview and morality is based on Who/Whom and they will not be changing anytime soon. Don't be tricked into believing otherwise.
Absolutely right, Clever. And I’ll go you one further: not only are the Jews functioning as “oppressors” in the DEIocracy, they are also being given the classic role of the scapegoat. These shouting students, members of the elite themselves (whatever their color) project their self-hatred for their own privilege onto the Israelis/Jews, and then “kill the goat”, thereby expiating all of their own sins, so that they can dance in the innocence of their own self righteousness. And if a genocide happens, well…
After all cynicism is just realism 99% of the time.
What’s ironic is that so many of those who have been in positions of authority or influence pushing cancel culture/DEI in recent years have been Jews. One hopes they’ve smartened up.
"Given the events on campus the last two weeks, it seems clear that some university leaders — as well as students and faculty —......"
They have The Constitutional Right to express their support for The Palestinians/Hamas. THE question is should their be consequences for that support? I'm kind of funny in that I think there should be consequences, severe consequences for those supporting slitting the belly of a living pregnant woman and pulling the baby out, bragging that they had murdered 10 Jews, tearing down posters of kidnapped children. But hey, that's just me, I'm kind of narrow minded about things like that.
Actually since Oct. 7 2023, I've been in a kind of Bomber Harris fame of mind.
Financial pressure has been brought to bear on the University of Pennsylvania, which isn't notably brave in its defense of free expression. Seven-figure donors have begun to close their wallets because of Penn's silence on the Hamas terror attacks. The university felt free to opine on George Floyd's murder--in fact, it made Juneteenth a university holiday in response--but when it came to the murder of Israelis, Penn was notably silent. Donors have begun to notice the inconsistency, and to respond accordingly.
I wish these insitutions would just keep their yaps shut on the issues of the day; otherwise, they're constantly trying to calculate which side they should take based on that students think, or what faculty say, or how donors will respond, or a dozen other politcal, social or cultural considerations. Penn clearly miscalcualted here, and it could cost them millions.
As a grandparent who will be supporting several grandkids who enroll in higher education within a decade, I hope that we can recover and return American universities to a place where all ideas can be heard and debated - and eliminate the cancel culture of the far left and such nonsense as 'safe' places. 100% of any campus ought to be 'safe'.
We’ve just finished putting a string of kids through 8 different universities (here and in Europe). Your best source of initial info is the FIRE ratings. You’re looking at far more than principle, here… these oppressive environments can do some wild damage to the psyche of students caught up in them. Don’t be a passive checkbook - your grandkids need more than that.
Imagine if wealthy alumni stop giving to the universities due to their near abolition of free speech. It looks like it is happening finally.
The abolition of free money...What a concept!
You'd have to be a real sucker to think that American academia is going to change because of this momentary embarrassment and regain any sort of integrity or commitment to anything but maintaining its own power and pushing its own agenda.
The DEIocracy is founded on the pain and rage of its designated pet victim groups (black people first, then Trans/gays, then various other brown people), which pain/rage it foments, weaponizes, monetizes and has now molded to create a sacred belief system.
Does anyone really think that the next time a cop kills a black person (esp if it's near a crucial election) or the next wave of "Trans genocide" crests, and the shrieking infants on campus perform a victim ritual demanding their babysitters in the administration share their rage and mimic their thoughts—or else be denounced—that the colleges will respond with speeches about the Kalven priniciples?
The reason the DEIocracy couldn't bring themselves to condemn Hamas is because in the ideological madrassas of American academia, Jews code as "white oppressors" and Hamas codes as "brown oppressed". Their entire worldview and morality is based on Who/Whom and they will not be changing anytime soon. Don't be tricked into believing otherwise.
Absolutely right, Clever. And I’ll go you one further: not only are the Jews functioning as “oppressors” in the DEIocracy, they are also being given the classic role of the scapegoat. These shouting students, members of the elite themselves (whatever their color) project their self-hatred for their own privilege onto the Israelis/Jews, and then “kill the goat”, thereby expiating all of their own sins, so that they can dance in the innocence of their own self righteousness. And if a genocide happens, well…
After all cynicism is just realism 99% of the time.
What’s ironic is that so many of those who have been in positions of authority or influence pushing cancel culture/DEI in recent years have been Jews. One hopes they’ve smartened up.
The trustees are the only people who can effect change, but do they have the courage? I wrote an open letter to them about their options:
"Given the events on campus the last two weeks, it seems clear that some university leaders — as well as students and faculty —......"
They have The Constitutional Right to express their support for The Palestinians/Hamas. THE question is should their be consequences for that support? I'm kind of funny in that I think there should be consequences, severe consequences for those supporting slitting the belly of a living pregnant woman and pulling the baby out, bragging that they had murdered 10 Jews, tearing down posters of kidnapped children. But hey, that's just me, I'm kind of narrow minded about things like that.
Actually since Oct. 7 2023, I've been in a kind of Bomber Harris fame of mind.
Financial pressure has been brought to bear on the University of Pennsylvania, which isn't notably brave in its defense of free expression. Seven-figure donors have begun to close their wallets because of Penn's silence on the Hamas terror attacks. The university felt free to opine on George Floyd's murder--in fact, it made Juneteenth a university holiday in response--but when it came to the murder of Israelis, Penn was notably silent. Donors have begun to notice the inconsistency, and to respond accordingly.
I wish these insitutions would just keep their yaps shut on the issues of the day; otherwise, they're constantly trying to calculate which side they should take based on that students think, or what faculty say, or how donors will respond, or a dozen other politcal, social or cultural considerations. Penn clearly miscalcualted here, and it could cost them millions.
> Seven-figure donors have begun to close their wallets because of Penn's silence on the Hamas terror attacks.
Maybe if the Hamas victims had been over dosing on fentanyl.
Pro Palestinians have been trying to silence Jewish and Zionist students for years. Is FIRE ever going to stand up for their rights?
Keep up the fight, and keep the faith for intellectual and creative freedom.
As a grandparent who will be supporting several grandkids who enroll in higher education within a decade, I hope that we can recover and return American universities to a place where all ideas can be heard and debated - and eliminate the cancel culture of the far left and such nonsense as 'safe' places. 100% of any campus ought to be 'safe'.
We’ve just finished putting a string of kids through 8 different universities (here and in Europe). Your best source of initial info is the FIRE ratings. You’re looking at far more than principle, here… these oppressive environments can do some wild damage to the psyche of students caught up in them. Don’t be a passive checkbook - your grandkids need more than that.
Some are different. There's hope.