End taxpayer compelled funding of these awful mental institutions masquerading as higher education and the awful ideas will wither and die, as they should, without the fertilizer that has allowed them to grow up around our children like poisonous plants. The taxpayer is whom you should defend by criticizing the very funding -- we are compelled under threat of confiscation of our assets to support the nonsense that goes on there in the guise of "free speech."

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If I want to give a speech on the public square, I can say almost anything under the first amendment. SCOTUS said that the KKK must be issued a permit and be allowed to march. What changes, just because social media are involved.?

At the beginning of this excuse for an administration they insisted that social media had the right to censor, or not, at their own discretion. Now, they must censor, at the direction of the Gestapo. Note to progressives: No, you are NOT protecting democracy. You are destroying it.

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