Thank you for being vulnerable and showing young people a brighter path. Can’t wait for the movie to make history on 2/22!

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Greg: Thank you for step ONE:"Are you thinking of harming yourself?"

...but "wiser yet"...thank you for STEP ZERO:"I’d suggest CBT even for those who don’t struggle with... depression."

We(taxpayers) already paid $117,000,000 to have (mostly) young people trained on CBT to PREVENT depression, PTSD, etc:


army.mil "Master Resilience Training"....has lots of CBT in it


NYTimes:"The Army plans to require that all 1.1 million of its soldiers take intensive training in emotional resiliency...the $117 million program was an effort to transform a military culture..."

It was tested on Middle School students on 5 continents including OUSD.org

I've spoken with the author of The textbook: "The Resilience Factor"



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More on "STEP ZERO":


89% of US psychologists "refuse" to measure, even when required by law. If you were "lost at sea" and one of those shrinks visited you to give you therapy... they would "refuse to give you the compass they got for free that the law requires they give you."


If you are considering a therapist with a profile listing on the huge US PsychologyToday.com directory... any therapist that fills out their profile as "Treating Anxiety" yet under "Treatment Methods" does NOT list Exposure Therapy is MORE SCIENCE DENIAL:


Mayo Research Clinic Director to NYTimes.com: "[among US licensed Mental Providers]we’re not treating people with what actually works"




"... the therapist falls into this trance, and ... the treatment will be doomed. It is practically impossible to overcome any form of anxiety without using exposure techniques. ... exposure will be mandatory."

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More on "STEP ZERO":





Dr.Burns:..... in a rare admission on page 216:"... we're all defective. You can view your"defectiveness" as a reason for suicide or a cause for celebration... acceptance... is like trying to describe... the Grand Canyon...It takes your breath away..."... "... acceptance involves... laughter..."

... the implication being that the "size of the hole in our heads" can best be characterized by the Grand Canyon... aka"the biggest hole on Earth"... 😁😁😁😁... visible from outer space... but ( because the Ego blinds us to our faults) NOT VISIBLE TO US!😁😁😁

... thus... like the denial of the Climate Crisis that can be "seen from outer space"... our capacity for "denialism" is vast!😁😁😁😁

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Nuance: CBT therapy for Anxiety etc, Depression etc, Habits etc... involves WRITTEN DEBATING ARGUMENTS... therapy for RELATIONSHIPS requires VERBAL CAPITULATION 😁😁😁😁... early and often 😁😁😁...see Dr Burns FEELING GREAT re Death of the Ego

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Nuance: Quack Shrinks will focus on the 1 of the Big Four with GIANT UNSOLVABLE GAPS for their own JOB SECURITY and they want you to CAPITULATE to them ( while you're learning to capitulate to your spouse... if your ego allows you to) because of the Shrink's INSECURITY

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For what it’s worth, I started ketamine therapy a couple years ago and it is no exaggeration to say it’s changed my life.

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Yes, I know it’s been extraordinarily effective for many people! Just not so much for me

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I visualize the social media AI of Zuck and Musk allowing them to fleece the 60% of Americans whose placebo they converted to their profit and suicidality by "turning us upside down so all our money drops out before they toss us into the Grand Canyon"... where the Grand Canyon metaphor of Dr Burns is extended to include blindness to Exposure Therapy that perpetuated Purdue Pharma's Valium success that perpetuated the launch of the opioid crises

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Feb 15Liked by Greg Lukianoff

I’m a huge fan. And a new member at FIRE!

Thanks for the book recommendations. I plan on looking them up. Here are a couple other books, I hope you’ll give a whirl: Unwinding Anxiety by Judson Brewer and Trauma by Paul Conti. As someone who has had anxiety the sometimes mixes with depression pretty much all my life, I can’t recommend them enough.



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Yes, I’m planning to purchase them all!

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Whoa! Can’t wait to see it

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The world owes you and Jonathan a debt of gratitude. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your efforts and contribution to my life!

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Feb 15Liked by Greg Lukianoff

Looking forward to this and I hope to glean some information for my dissertation. And thanks for your work on this subject.

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Can’t wait to see it. Your book provided the seismic shit culture needed

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And deep appreciation for what you’re engaging for our greater culture

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Heyo. Good morning. For some reason I feel like it’s important for you and your colleagues to see this. Love love❤️


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