Sitemap - 2024 - The Eternally Radical Idea

Continuing "The Coddling" Conversation

Nashville gets copyright wrong, 'So to Speak' tackles political violence, and RIP Bob Newhart

Why the ‘words are violence’ argument needs to die

SCOTUS keeps government out of the liquor cabinet & Tim Ferris shares the advice of titans

The First Amendment ISN'T out of control

Anti-Semitism is a real problem — but the Antisemitism Awareness Act is unconstitutional

Free Speech catastrophizing in the NYT, Rapper must submit lyrics for judicial approval, & did SCOTUS punt on NetChoice?

FIRE weighs in on Murthy v. Missouri & we need your help and support defending freedom of speech for all Americans!

Is the Efficient Rhetorical Fortress insufficient? You tell us!

A Tennessee journalist is being threatened with jail time for reporting on a school shooter’s ‘manifesto’

FIRE calls on Biden to issue pardon for Comstock conviction & Dean Bobo gives Harvard another boo-boo

Russian censors won't be out (Fire)foxed, SCOTUS opines on 'Trump so small,' and ‘The Fourth Turning is Here’ by Neil Howe is my book of the month

Towards a 'More Perfect' Rhetorical Fortress!

From the E.U. to China to Uzbekistan — censorship is so hot right now!

Dropping DEI statements is a great start, but ideological litmus tests are the real issue

Big win in the Supreme Court! Institutional neutrality at Harvard & Syracuse! FIRE & allies make the case for Priscilla Villarreal’s day in (the Supreme) Court!

‘Canceling’ readers! We need your feedback!

My chat with Sam Harris! Life in prison for offensive speech in Canada! Is the poutine really worth it? (Answer: possibly)

The mental health consequences of social justice fundamentalism

Australia: God Emperor of Global Speech! & ‘Canceling’ gets its day in court

‘Why Buddhism is True’ by Robert Wright wins this month’s Prestigious Ashurbanipal Book Award

‘Certainty is the mind-killer’ & the story behind my first-ever commencement address

Campus Chaos: Navigating free speech, unrest, and the need for reform in higher education

Campus protests again dominate the news! I agree with Chris Rufo on something (the Antisemitism Awareness Act)! & Sleigh Bells!

The skeptics were wrong, Part 3

A boring week in free speechery, on campus and beyond! (lol, no)

‘Hypocrisy projection,’ civil disobedience at Columbia and beyond, and how Texas got it wrong

Rushdie Returns! Title IX Strikes Again! The Manchurian Undergraduate! And more!

My big John Cleese release, Neil Howe talks 'The Fourth Turning' & more!

My First Amendment concerns with ‘The Anxious Generation’

‘UnHerd’ of levels of deplatforming, Taiwan models how to combat misinfo without censorship & more!

'The Revolt of the Public' is April’s Prestigious Ashurbanipal Award winner

Come see me in VA! Amy Wax debates! Guernica Guernicas itself! AND MORE!

Abigail Shrier versus the Perfect Rhetorical Fortress

‘Reverse CBT’ in UnHerd, free speech as ‘The Language of the Powerless’ & more John Cleese!

The skeptics were wrong, part 2

Veritas-ish at Harvard & news from the Garden State

The skeptics were wrong, Part 1

Canceled for writing about cancel culture? And why we are willing to ‘Drive this bus into a wall.'

Campus deplatforming: A data bonanza

A new piece in The Free Press, the release of the first National Speech Index, and more!

Online censorship in the UK has led to far more arrests than the first Red Scare

New ‘Coddling’ documentary gets the red carpet treatment!

The campus DEI bureaucracy is a threat to free speech

FIRE’s ‘Top Ten Worst Censors’, Rikki on Mike Rowe’s podcast, and more!

Announcing the new ‘Coddling’ documentary and some advice on fighting depression

Mr. Lukianoff goes to Washington & introducing FIRE’s Campus Deplatforming Database

A Tale of Two Congressional Hearings (and several AI poems)

FIRE Victory at Princeton, Michael Malice on 'So to Speak' & more!

Mill’s Trident: An argument every fan (or opponent) of free speech must know

The state of free expression in China & 'Canceling' in Quillette

Yes, the last 10 years really have been worse for free speech

Misinformation panic at Davos & Mitch Daniels recommends 'Canceling' in the WSJ

Administrators — not just DEI administrators — are the biggest threat to free speech on campus

The new Victorians

Weekend Free Speech Update

Welcome to the Conformity Gauntlet!

The inaugural ‘Weekend Free Speech Update’ (1/6/2024)

Harvard, Claudine Gay & 'The Silver Spoon Rule'